
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sweet {and a little corny!}

First {let me apologize!} I'm sorry!

I had to use my cell phone to take

photos this evening.

And they just aren't very good!

But on a night like tonight {the night before school}

they will have to do!!!

I just finished a part of the Welcome Back

gifts for teachers in 2 of the

elementary schools in our district.

{We have 3, but I am PTO co~president of only 2}

These will be for each teacher:

If you can't make out the tag

{again, my poor photography skills!}

it says

'Your PTO

wishes you a GOOD year & PLENTY of fun!

Thanks for making our kids Sharpies!'

And here is what's in the goodie bags........

Good & Plenty {s} and Sharpie markers :o)

The original concept I saw included Smarties and Sharpies.

The very cute tag said 'Thank you for making our kids

Smarties and Sharpies!'

But, I didn't have any Smarties in my PTO stash.

And when I went to buy some, can you believe it?

I couldn't find ANY!!!

So I had to do some {fast} thinking in the

middle of Sam's Club and

came up with the above.

{I know} sweet but a little corny!

But, then again, so am I!!

Be sweet to your teachers!


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