
Monday, January 30, 2012

You Rock!

My husband {Brian} came to me last week
and {sweetly} mentioned he needed
to come up with an idea of something to give all his {50} employees to
celebrate what a GREAT job they did last year.
Now, my husband knows me and knows that mentioning this
to me sends me into a {creative} frenzy. My first creative stop
was to my Pinterest boards! {OF COURSE-is there anywhere else to go?} {hint hint: visit my boards!}
Anyway, I found the cutest Pinspiration to make {If you Pin, the word pin is like the word
Smurf to those blue, little people. You begin to use it as a verb, noun, adjective
and it finds it's way into everyday conversation!}
At this point, Brian realizes it's out of his hands and he leaves me drooling on the keyboard.

So, Saturday I took over the dining room table. Spread out my scrapping stuff.
And got to work! Here is my most favorite scrapping tool~~My Big Kick!
I love it {and I'm pretty sure it loves me.}

And I got to work making these:

Cute, huh? {and easy to make!!!}

All you need is:
Packages of Pop Rocks {be sure to get a couple extra~~trust me, you'll eat a couple}
12x12 Card stock
Adhesive runner
Either letters you've made, bought or a marker

Cut your card stock into 3x6 inch strips. I cut 4-3 inch strips first and then simply
cut them in 2 {Gotta keep it simple!} These fold perfectly around the
package of Pop Rocks. Add a line of adhesive to the inside of the
strip and stick it to itself!! LOOK you've made a belly band!
Here's where I used my Big Kick.
I cut out all 350 letters {that's a lot of letters!}
You could just as easily use
stickers or even write it on with a marker!
And, you're done!!!'
The original pin said 'You Rock Valentine'. How adorable is that?
But, since, I'm not wooing all 50 of my husbands
employees, I stuck with just 'You Rock'.

Sweet {P}Inspiration,

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What a Sad {Little} Blog!

My, oh my! How terribly sad! My poor {ignored} blog!
Life has just been so busy and crazy with the holidays! My intentions were to post
all our wonderful decorations, traditions and holiday fun!!
But {unfortunately} we had sick ones and craziness abound!!
{Soooo..} Here IT is!! A NEW year and a NEW post!
{about time, huh?}

I've been doing a lot of contemplating on what my new year's resolution should be {one that I may actually keep!} And, finally, I've made a some decisions!


I mean really {really, really} organized. I dream of it when I lay in bed at night {yep, sad as it sounds!} Oh, how much happier {and easier} life would be! With lots of help from my favorite site ~ I am getting lots of ideas and help!
Here it goes. EVERY day. I WILL organize at least ONE thing in my life!



I guess this goes along with organizing! But, we have too much STUFF in our life and our home. We have too much physical STUFF that we don't need. It's time to get rid of the excess and stop bringing it into our living space! We have too much emotional STUFF in our lives. So many things we dwell on and spend time on that really don't deserve {or require} the energy we give it! It's time to BE DONE with it!!
We're going gangsta on it and cutting it out!!!


{see how bad I am, this should have been first!}

Faith, family, friends, work, school, volunteering, cleaning, entertainment.......
There is so much!! The stress all these good things in life can cause! Why? Because I can't say NO and I let myself become overwhelmed. Here's where I put my foot down and say NO!
{NO, NO, NO, NO, NO........just practicing!}
It's time to decide what's most important and what deserves my time the most!

WHEW, I'm exhausted from just thinking about all this. But, it's time to move forward!!
Who's with me?
What are you life changing goals?
Sweet decisions made,